List of Famous people named Cass

Similar names: Kasey, Kasia, Kaz, Kassie, Kass, Kasi, Kazaiah. Here are some famous Casses:

Cass Elliot

Ellen Naomi Cohen
First Name Cass
Last Name Elliot
Born on September 19, 1941
Died on July 29, 1974 (aged 32)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Cass Elliot, also known as Mama Cass, was an American singer and actress who is best known for having been a member of the Mamas and the Papas. After the group broke up, she released five solo albums. In 1998, she was posthumously inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for her work with the Mamas and the Papas.

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Cass Sunstein

First Name Cass
Last Name Sunstein
Born on September 21, 1954 (age 70)

Cass Robert Sunstein FBA is an American legal scholar, particularly in the fields of constitutional law, administrative law, environmental law, and law and behavioral economics. He is also The New York Times best-selling author of The World According to Star Wars (2016) and Nudge (2008). He was the Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs in the Obama administration from 2009 to 2012.

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Cass Phang

First Name Cass
Last Name Phang
Born on February 2, 1969 (age 56)

Cass Phang is a retired Cantopop singer from Hong Kong, affiliated with EMI from 1993–1998 and then with Sony Music Entertainment. She was born in Hong Kong, studied at Munsang College and a high school in Australia. In September 1998, she married Hong Kong actor and pop singer Jan Lamb, a member of musical rap duo DJ Softhard. She gave birth to two daughters on February 14, 2000 and July 28, 2004.

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Cass Gilbert

First Name Cass
Last Name Gilbert
Born on November 29, 1859
Died on May 17, 1934 (aged 74)

Cass Gilbert was a prominent American architect. An early proponent of skyscrapers, his works include the Woolworth Building, the United States Supreme Court building, the state capitols of Minnesota, Arkansas and West Virginia; and the Saint Louis Art Museum and Public Library. His public buildings in the Beaux Arts style reflect the optimistic American sense that the nation was heir to Greek democracy, Roman law and Renaissance humanism. Gilbert's achievements were recognized in his lifetime; he served as president of the American Institute of Architects in 1908–09.

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