List of Famous people named Case

Similar names: Kasey, Kasia, Kaz, Kassie, Kass, Kasi, Kazaiah. Here are some famous Cases:

Case Keenum

Casey Austin Keenum is an American football quarterback for the Cleveland Browns of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football for Houston, where he became the NCAA's all-time leader in total passing yards, touchdowns, and completions. In the 2008 college football season, Keenum ranked first nationally in total offense and second in total passing yards.

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Case Broderick

First Name Case
Last Name Broderick
Born on September 23, 1839
Died on April 1, 1920 (aged 80)

Case Broderick was a politician and U.S. Representative from Kansas. He was a cousin of David Colbreth Broderick, of Washington, DC; New York, and California; and Andrew Kennedy of California, who also became national politicians.

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