List of Famous people named Bad

Similar names: Bady, Bada. Here are some famous Bads:

Bad Bunny

Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio
First Name Bad
Born on March 10, 1994 (age 30)
Born in Puerto Rico
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Benito Antonio Martínez Ocasio, known by his stage name Bad Bunny, is a Puerto Rican rapper, singer, and songwriter. His music is often defined as Latin trap and reggaeton, but he has incorporated various other genres into his music, including rock, bachata, and soul. He is also known for his deep, slurred vocal style and his eclectic fashion sense. Throughout his career, Bad Bunny has frequently collaborated with artists such as J Balvin, Ozuna, Farruko, Residente, Arcángel, Jhay Cortez, and Daddy Yankee.

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Bad Gyal

Alba Farelo i Solé
First Name Bad
Born on March 7, 1997 (age 27)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Alba Farelo, better known as Bad Gyal, is a Catalan-born singer, songwriter, disc jockey and producer from Vilassar de Mar, Spain. Her music interpolates various genres in the urbano umbrella genre including dancehall, trap, dance and hip hop. Farelo rose to fame in 2016 after posting a music video of her covering "Work" by Rihanna in the Catalan language. After becoming viral she began a serious musical career as an independent artist and released a mixtape, Slow Wine, later that year. Throughout the years, Bad Gyal has developed a cult following especially after releasing her most iconic single to date "Fiebre", who has been described by the youngsters as the "soon-to-be modern hymn of Spain". She signed a record deal with Interscope in 2019.

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Bad Luck

First Name Bad
Born on November 30, 1986 (age 37)
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