List of Famous people named Audy

Similar names: Audie, Aude, Aud. Here are some famous Audys:

Audy Item

First Name Audy
Born on April 23, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Indonesia

Paula Allodya Item, also known as Audy Item is an Indonesian singer. She is the youngest of three children born to jazz musician Jopie Item, and Evie Aquanthie Aziz. Her oldest brother, Stevie Item, is a guitarist in Andra and The BackBone. She is married to Iko Uwais and they have two daughters.

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Don't know him/her

Audy Ciriaco

First Name Audy
Born on June 16, 1987 (age 37)
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her
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