List of Famous people named Auda

Similar names: Audie, Aude, Aud. Here are some famous Audas:

Auda of France

First Name Auda
Last Name France
Born on November 30, 0714
Died on November 30, 0803 (aged 89)

Auda, Aida, Alda, Aldana or Adalne was wife of Frankish nobleman Thierry IV, count of Autun and mother of Saint William of Gellone.

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Auda ibu Tayi

First Name Auda
Last Name Tayi
Born on May 17, 1874
Died on July 22, 1924 (aged 50)

Auda Abu-Tayeh was the leader (shaikh) of a section of the Howeitat or Huwaytat tribe of Bedouin Arabs at the time of the Great Arab Revolt during the First World War. The Howeitat lived in what is now Saudi Arabia/Jordan.

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