List of Famous people named Asahisato

Here are some famous Asahisatos:

Asahisato Kenji

増田 憲治
First Name Asahisato
Born on November 9, 1965 (age 58)
Born in Japan
Height 187 cm | 6'2

Asahisato Kenji is a former sumo wrestler from Ikeda, Osaka, Japan. His active career spanned 17 years and 102 tournaments from 1981 until 1998, and his highest rank was maegashira 14. Upon his retirement he became an elder of the Japan Sumo Association. He took charge of Nakagawa stable in January 2017, but the stable was closed in July 2020 and he was demoted two rungs in the Sumo Association's hierarchy after he was found to have mistreated wrestlers in the stable.

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