List of Famous people named Artabanus

Here are some famous Artabanuses:

Artabanus II

First Name Artabanus
Born on January 1, -0200
Died on January 1, -0124 (aged 76)

Artabanus I, incorrectly known in older scholarship as Artabanus II, was king of the Parthian Empire, ruling briefly from c. 127 to 124/3 BC. His short reign ended abruptly when he died during a battle against the Yuezhi in the east. He was succeeded by his son Mithridates II.

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Artabanus II

First Name Artabanus
Born on January 1, -0100
Died on January 1, 0038 (aged 138)

Artabanus II, incorrectly known in older scholarship as Artabanus III, was King of Kings of the Parthian Empire from 12 to 38/41, with a one-year interruption. He was the nephew and successor of Vonones I. His father was a Dahae prince, whilst his mother was a daughter of the Parthian King of Kings Phraates IV

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Artabanus IV of Parthia

First Name Artabanus
Born on January 1, 0200
Died on January 1, 0224 (aged 24)

Artabanus IV, also known as Ardavan IV, incorrectly known in older scholarship as Artabanus V, was the last ruler of Parthian Empire from c. 213 to 224. He was the younger son of Vologases V, who died in 208.

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Artabanus of Persia

First Name Artabanus
Born on November 30, -0451
Died on January 1, -0464

Artabanus of Persia was a Persian political figure during the Achaemenid dynasty who was reportedly Regent of Persia for a few months.

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