List of Famous people named Anastasius

Here are some famous Anastasiuses:

Anastasius IV

Corrado della Suburra
First Name Anastasius
Born on November 30, 1072
Died on December 3, 1154 (aged 82)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Pope Anastasius IV, born Corrado Demetri della Suburra, was head of the Catholic Church and ruler of the Papal States from 8 July 1153 to his death. He is the last pope to take the name "Anastasius" upon his election.

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Anastasius Eugene Tollemache

First Name Anastasius
Born on July 22, 1842
Died on March 16, 1912 (aged 69)
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Anastasius I

First Name Anastasius
Born on November 30, 0339
Died on December 20, 0401 (aged 62)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Pope Anastasius I was the bishop of Rome from 27 November 399 to his death on 19 December 401.

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Anastasius of Persia

First Name Anastasius
Born on November 30, 0549
Died on January 22, 0628 (aged 78)

Saint Anastasius of Persia, was originally a Zoroastrian soldier in the Sasanian army. He later became a convert to Christianity and was martyred in 628.

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Anastasius III

First Name Anastasius
Born on November 30, 0800
Died on November 30, 0912 (aged 112)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Pope Sir Anastasius III was the bishop of Rome and ruler of the Papal States from April 911 to his death.

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Anastasius Hartmann

First Name Anastasius
Born on February 14, 1803
Died on April 24, 1866 (aged 63)

Anastasius Hartmann, born as Joseph Alois Hartmann, was a Capuchin, a missionary in India, Titular Bishop and Vicar Apostolic of Patna and Bombay.

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Anastasius II

First Name Anastasius
Died on November 19, 0498
Born in Italy, Lazio

Pope Anastasius II was the bishop of Rome from 24 November 496 to his death. He was an important figure in trying to end the Acacian schism, but his efforts resulted in the Laurentian schism, which followed his death. Anastasius was born in Rome, the son of a priest, and is buried in St. Peter's Basilica.

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