List of Famous people named Amyntas

Here are some famous Amyntases:

Amyntas IV of Macedon

First Name Amyntas
Born on January 1, -0362
Died on January 1, -0336 (aged 26)

Amyntas IV was a titular king of the kingdom of Macedonia in 359 BC and member of the Argead dynasty.

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Amyntas I of Macedon

First Name Amyntas
Born on November 30, -0541
Died on November 30, -0499 (aged 42)

Amyntas I was king of the ancient kingdom of Macedon and then a vassal of Darius I from 512/511 to his death 498 BC, at the time of Achaemenid Macedonia. He was a son of Alcetas I of Macedon. He married Eurydice and they had a son Alexander.

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Amyntas II of Macedon

First Name Amyntas
Born on January 1, -0500
Died on January 1, -0393 (aged 107)

Amyntas II or Amyntas the Little, was the king of Macedonia for a short time, circa 393 BC. Thucydides describes him as a son of Philip, the brother of king Perdiccas II. He first succeeded his father in his appanage in Upper Macedonia, but Perdiccas II wished to deprive Amyntas of the appanage, as he had before endeavoured to wrest it from Philip. This project had however been hindered by the Athenians.

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Amyntas III of Macedon

First Name Amyntas
Born on November 30, -0451
Died on January 1, -0370 (aged 81)

Amyntas III was king of the ancient kingdom of Macedon in 393 BC and again from 392 to 370 BC. He was the son of Arrhidaeus and grandson of Amyntas, one of the sons of Alexander I. His most famous son is Philip II, father of Alexander the Great. He is historically considered the founder of the unified Macedonian kingdom.

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