List of Famous people named Amalric

Here are some famous Amalrics:

Aimery II de Lusignan

First Name Aimery
Born on November 30, 1151
Died on April 1, 1205 (aged 53)

Aimery of Lusignan, erroneously referred to as Amalric or Amaury in earlier scholarship, was the first King of Cyprus, reigning from 1196 to his death. He also reigned as the King of Jerusalem from his marriage to Isabella I in 1197 to his death. He was a younger son of Hugh VIII of Lusignan, a nobleman in Poitou. After participating in a rebellion against Henry II of England in 1168, he went to the Holy Land and settled in the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

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Amalric, Lord of Tyre

First Name Amalric,
Last Name Tyre
Born on January 1, 1272
Died on June 5, 1310 (aged 38)

Amalric, Lord of Tyre, also called Amalric of Lusignan or Amaury de Lusignan was a prince and statesman of the House of Lusignan, a younger son of King Hugh III of Cyprus and Isabella of the House of Ibelin. He was given the title of Lord of Tyre in 1291, shortly before the city of Tyre fell to the Mamluks of Egypt. He is often but incorrectly called the Prince of Tyre.

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Amalric I of Jerusalem

First Name Amalric
Last Name Jerusalem
Born on November 30, 1135
Died on July 11, 1174 (aged 38)

Amalric was King of Jerusalem from 1163, and Count of Jaffa and Ascalon before his accession. He was the second son of Melisende and Fulk of Jerusalem, and succeeded his older brother Baldwin III. During his reign, Jerusalem became more closely allied with the Byzantine Empire, and the two states launched an unsuccessful invasion of Egypt. Meanwhile, the Muslim territories surrounding Jerusalem began to be united under Nur ad-Din and later Saladin. He was the father of three future rulers of Jerusalem, Sibylla, Baldwin IV, and Isabella I.

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Amalric, Count of Valenciennes

First Name Amalric,
Last Name Valenciennes
Died on February 12, 0973
Born in France, Normandy

Amaury (Amulric), was a tenth century count with territory in Hainaut, possibly a Count of Valenciennes.

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Amalric Contat

First Name Amalric
Last Name Contat
Died on January 1, 1865
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