List of Famous people named Alireza

Here are some famous Alirezas:

Alireza Firouzja

First Name Alireza
Born on June 18, 2003 (age 21)

Alireza Firouzja is an Iranian chess player. He won the Iranian Chess Championship at the age of 12, and earned the Grandmaster title at the age of 14. He is the second-youngest player ever to reach a rating of 2700, accomplishing this at the age of 16 years and 1 month. As of November 2019, Firouzja was the No. 1 ranked Iranian player and the No. 1 U16 player in the world with a FIDE rating of 2720. In December 2019, Firouzja announced that he would no longer play under the Iranian flag, after Iran withdrew its players from the 2019 World Rapid and Blitz Championship to uphold their ban against Iranians playing against Israelis. He is currently based in France and announced in early 2020 his intention to play under the French flag.

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Alireza Jahanbakhsh

First Name Alireza
Born on August 11, 1993 (age 30)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Alireza Jahanbakhsh Jirandeh is an Iranian professional footballer who plays as a winger and attacking midfielder for Premier League club Brighton & Hove Albion and the Iranian national team. He represented Iran at the 2014 FIFA World Cup, 2015 AFC Asian Cup, 2018 FIFA World Cup and the 2019 AFC Asian Cup. Jahanbakhsh also represented Iran at the U20 and U23 levels.

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Alireza Faghani

First Name Alireza
Born on March 21, 1978 (age 46)

Alireza Faghani is an Iranian international football referee who has been officiating in the Persian Gulf Pro League for several seasons and has been on the FIFA list since 2008. Faghani has refereed important matches such as the 2014 AFC Champions League Final, the 2015 AFC Asian Cup Final, the 2015 FIFA Club World Cup Final, the 2016 Olympic football final match. He has refereed matches in the 2017 Liga 1, 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup, 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia and the 2019 AFC Asian Cup. Alireza migrated to Australia in September 2019.

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Alireza Bayram

First Name Alireza
Born on June 4, 1984 (age 40)
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Alireza Ghorbani

First Name Alireza
Born on February 4, 1973 (age 51)

Alireza Ghorbani is an Iranian traditional vocalist.

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