List of Famous people named Alexandria

Similar names: Aleksandr, Alexandre, Alexandra, Aleksandra, Alexandr, Alexandrea, Alexsandr. Here are some famous Alexandrias:

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

First Name Alexandria
Last Name Ocasio-Cortez
Born on October 13, 1989 (age 34)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, also known by her initials AOC, is an American politician serving as the U.S. representative for New York's 14th congressional district since 2019. The district includes the eastern part of the Bronx, portions of north-central Queens, and Rikers Island in New York City. She is a member of the Democratic Party.

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Alexandria Zahra Jones

First Name Alexandria
Last Name Jones
Born on August 15, 2000 (age 23)
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Alexandria Jane Moody

First Name Alexandria
Last Name Moody
Born on January 1, 1976 (age 48)
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Alexandria Aprille Ouvaroff

First Name Alexandria
Last Name Ouvaroff
Born on August 2, 2013 (age 10)
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