List of Famous people named Abd-el-rahman

Here are some famous Abd-el-rahmans:

Abd-el-Rahman el-Mahdi

First Name Abd-el-Rahman
Died on January 1, 1959
Born in Sudan, Khartoum

Sayyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi, KBE was one of the leading religious and political figures during the colonial era in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (1898–1955), and continued to exert great authority as leader of the Neo-Mahdists after Sudan became independent. The British tried to exploit his influence over the Sudanese people while at the same time profoundly distrusting his motives. Throughout most of the colonial era of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan the British saw Sayyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi as important as a moderate leader of the Mahdists.

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