List of Famous people with last name Zuylen

Hélène van Zuylen

Hélène Betty Louise Caroline de Rothschild
First Name Hélène
Born on August 21, 1863
Died on October 17, 1947 (aged 84)

Baroness Hélène van Zuylen van Nijevelt van de Haar or Hélène de Zuylen de Nyevelt de Haar, née de Rothschild, was a member of the prominent Rothschild banking family of France, and an author, who collaborated on stories and poems with her lesbian partner Renée Vivien, sometimes under the nom de plume Paule Riversdale. An only child, the daughter of Salomon James de Rothschild, she was disinherited for marrying a Catholic, Baron Etienne van Zuylen of the old Dutch noble family Van Zuylen van Nievelt.

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Guillaume Marie van Zuylen

First Name Guillaume
Last Name Zuylen
Born on January 4, 1910
Died on April 2, 2004 (aged 94)
Born in Belgium, Wallonia, Visé

Gulielmus Maria van Zuylen was the 89th bishop of the diocese of Liège from 1961 to 1986.

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