List of Famous people with last name Znojmo

Helen of Znojmo

First Name Helen
Last Name Znojmo
Born on November 30, 1140
Died on November 30, 1201 (aged 61)

Helena of Znojmo, was a Bohemian princess, a member of the Přemyslid dynasty. She was the daughter of Duke Conrad II of Znojmo and his Serbian wife Maria of Rascia. Helena was probably named after her maternal aunt, Queen Helena of Hungary, wife of King Béla II.

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Conrad II, Duke of Znojmo

First Name Conrad
Last Name Znojmo

Conrad II of Znojmo, a member of the Přemyslid dynasty, was a Bohemian prince who ruled in the Moravian principality of Znojmo from 1123 to 1128 and again from 1134 until his death.

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Luitpold, Prince of Znojmo

First Name Luitpold,
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on March 15, 1112 (aged 62)

Luitpold of Znojmo, a member of the Přemyslid dynasty, ruled as Moravian duke of Znojmo for twenty years – from 1092 until his death.

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Maria of Rascia, Duchess of Znojmo

First Name Maria
Last Name Znojmo
Born on November 30, 1149 (age 874)
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