List of Famous people with last name Zinta

Preity Zinta

First Name Preity
Born on January 31, 1975 (age 49)
Born in India
Height 161 cm | 5'3

Preity G Zinta is an Indian actress and entrepreneur primarily known for her work in Hindi films. After graduating with degrees in English honours and criminal psychology, Zinta made her acting debut in Dil Se.. in 1998, followed by a role in Soldier in the same year. These performances earned her the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut, and she was later recognised for her role as a teenage single mother in Kya Kehna (2000). She subsequently established a career as a leading actress of Hindi cinema with a variety of character types. Some of her roles, deemed culturally defiant, along with her unconventional screen persona have been credited with contributing to a change in the concept of a Hindi film heroine, and won her several accolades.

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