List of Famous people with last name Wurttemberg-montbeliard

Duke Ludwig Friedrich I, Duke of Württemberg-Montbéliard

First Name Duke
Born on January 29, 1586
Died on January 26, 1631 (aged 44)

Louis Frederick of Württemberg-Montbéliard was the founder of a cadet line of the House of Württemberg known as the Dukes of Württemberg-Montbéliard.

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George II, Duke of Württemberg-Montbéliard

First Name George
Born on October 5, 1626
Died on June 1, 1699 (aged 72)

Duke George II of Württemberg-Montbéliard was Duke of Württemberg-Montbéliard from 1662 until his death.

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Leopold Frederick, Duke of Württemberg-Montbéliard

First Name Leopold
Born on May 30, 1624
Died on June 15, 1662 (aged 38)

Leopold Frederick, Duke of Württemberg-Montbéliard was a son of Duke Louis Frederick and his first wife, Elisabeth Magdalena of Hesse-Darmstadt. He succeeded his father in 1631.

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Eleonore Charlotte of Württemberg-Montbéliard

First Name Eleonore
Born on November 20, 1656
Died on April 13, 1743 (aged 86)

Eleonore Charlotte of Württemberg-Montbéliard, was by marriage Duchess of Oels-Württemberg.

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Leopold Eberhard, Duke of Württemberg-Montbéliard

First Name Leopold
Born on May 21, 1670
Died on February 25, 1723 (aged 52)

Leopold Eberhard of Württemberg-Montbéliard, was a German prince member of the House of Württemberg. He was Count of Coligny since 1680 and Duke of Württemberg-Montbéliard since 1699 until his death. The first half of his life he was in exile and in military service of the House of Austria and lived for a long time in Silesia; only in 1697 he and his family were able to return of Montbéliard, and two years later he assumed the government as the last legitimate male member of his dynasty. He gained a doubtful fame mainly through his arbitrary and absolutist rule as well as by his extravagant family life, which is why he is considered the "Black Sheep" of the House of Württemberg.

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