List of Famous people with last name Wooley

Michael-Leon Wooley

First Name Michael-Leon
Born on March 29, 1971 (age 53)

Michael-Leon Wooley is an American theatre, film, television and voice actor, singer and activist. Wooley lends his voice to Louis the Alligator in Disney's Oscar-nominated animated feature film, The Princess and the Frog. Wooley played Judge Grady on the radio station WKTT in Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV.

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Sheb Wooley

First Name Sheb
Born on April 10, 1921
Died on September 16, 2003 (aged 82)

Shelby Fredrick "Sheb" Wooley was an American actor and singer. He recorded a series of novelty songs including the 1958 novelty song "The Purple People Eater" and under the name Ben Colder the #6 country hit "Almost Persuaded No. 2". He portrayed Ben Miller, brother of Frank Miller, in the film High Noon; played Travis Cobb in The Outlaw Josey Wales; and also had a co-starring role as scout Pete Nolan in the television series Rawhide. Wooley is also credited as the voice actor who produced the Wilhelm scream sound effect.

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Trevor Wooley

First Name Trevor
Last Name Wooley
Born on September 17, 1964 (age 60)

Trevor Dion Wooley FRS is a British mathematician and currently Professor of Mathematics at Purdue University. His fields of interest include analytic number theory, Diophantine equations and Diophantine problems, harmonic analysis, the Hardy-Littlewood circle method, and the theory and applications of exponential sums. He has made significant breakthroughs on Waring's problem, for which he was awarded the Salem Prize in 1998.

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Josephine Wooley

First Name Josephine
Last Name Wooley
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John Walker Wooley

First Name John
Last Name Wooley
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