List of Famous people with last name Wolley

Elizabeth Wolley

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Wolley
Born on April 28, 1552
Died on January 1, 1600 (aged 47)

Elizabeth Wolley was one of Queen Elizabeth I's ladies of the Privy Chamber. She was the eldest daughter of Sir William More of Loseley, Surrey, and his second wife, Margaret Daniell, and the wife of the Queen's Latin secretary, Sir John Wolley, and the Queen's Lord Chancellor, Thomas Egerton, 1st Viscount Brackley.

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Alice Wolley

First Name Alice
Last Name Wolley
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Francis Wolley

First Name Francis
Last Name Wolley
Born on January 1, 1583
Died on January 1, 1609 (aged 26)

Sir Francis Wolley was the son of Queen Elizabeth's Latin secretary, Sir John Wolley, and Elizabeth More, the daughter of Sir William More of Loseley, Surrey. He was a Member of Parliament, and one of those to whom King James granted the Second Virginia Charter. From 1601 to 1609 he provided a home at Pyrford for John Donne and Anne More after their clandestine marriage.

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John Wolley

First Name John
Last Name Wolley
Born on January 1, 1548
Died on January 1, 1596 (aged 48)

Sir John Wolley was Queen Elizabeth I's Latin Secretary, a member of her Privy Council, and a member of Parliament from 1571 until his death in 1596.

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Anne Wolley

First Name Anne
Last Name Wolley
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William Wolley

First Name William
Last Name Wolley
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Don't know him/her
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