List of Famous people with last name Winzenburg

Sophie of Winzenburg

First Name Sophie
Last Name Winzenburg
Born on January 1, 1105
Died on July 6, 1160 (aged 55)

Sophie of Winzenburg was the first Margravine of Brandenburg.

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Herman I, Count of Winzenburg

First Name Herman
Last Name Winzenburg
Born on January 1, 1083
Died on January 1, 1137 (aged 54)
Born in Germany, Hesse

Herman I, Count of Winzenburg was count of Formbach and Radelberg. From 1109 to 1130, he was also Count of Winzenburg and from 1122 to 1138, he was Count of Reinhausen. He was also Landgrave of Thuringia from 1111 to 1130 and Margrave of Meissen from 1124 to 1130. And finally, he was high bailiff of Corvey Abbey.

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Herman II, Count of Winzenburg

First Name Herman
Last Name Winzenburg
Born on November 30, 1149
Died on January 29, 1152 (aged 2)

Herman II, Count of Winzenburg was a son of Herman I, Count of Winzenburg and his second wife, Hedwig. She was either Hedwig of Assel-Woltingerode or Hedwig of Carniola-Istria. Herman II succeeded his father as Count of Winzenburg, without achieving the dominant position his father had held. He was a loyal supporter of Archbishop Adalbert of Mainz for many years.

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