List of Famous people with last name Wilmore

Larry Wilmore

First Name Larry
Born on October 30, 1961 (age 62)

Elister Larry Wilmore is an American comedian, writer, producer, and actor. Wilmore served as the "Senior Black Correspondent" on The Daily Show from 2006 to 2014, and hosted The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore in 2015 and 2016. He is also the creator of the sitcom The Bernie Mac Show. He served as an executive producer for the ABC television series Black-ish. He is also the co-creator, alongside Issa Rae, of the HBO television series Insecure. Since May 2017, he has hosted a podcast, entitled Black on the Air in which he discusses current events and interviews a variety of guests. He is the host of the talk-show titled Wilmore.

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Marc Wilmore

First Name Marc
Last Name Wilmore
Born on May 4, 1963
Died on January 30, 2021 (aged 57)

Marc Edward Wilmore was an American television writer, producer, actor, and comedian who was a writer and performer for shows such as In Living Color, The PJs, The Simpsons, and F Is for Family. He was a 10-time Primetime Emmy Award nominee.

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Barry E. Wilmore

First Name Barry
Last Name Wilmore
Born on December 29, 1962 (age 61)

Barry Eugene "Butch" Wilmore is a NASA astronaut and United States Navy test pilot. He has had two spaceflights, the first of which was an 11-day Space Shuttle mission in November 2009, to the International Space Station. Wilmore was designated as pilot with five other crew members on Space Shuttle Atlantis for the mission STS-129. He most recently served as part of Expedition 41 to the International Space Station.

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