List of Famous people with last name Willner

Hal Willner

First Name Hal
Died on April 6, 2020 (aged 50)

Hal Willner was an American music producer working in recording, films, TV and live events. He was best known for assembling tribute albums and events featuring a wide variety of artists and musical styles. He died during the COVID-19 pandemic due to complications brought on by COVID-19.

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Gert Willner

First Name Gert
Last Name Willner
Born on April 16, 1940
Died on March 23, 2000 (aged 59)

Gert Willner was a CDU politician in Schleswig-Holstein. He was a member of the Bundestag for Pinneberg from the 1994 federal election until his death.

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Horst Willner

First Name Horst
Last Name Willner
Born on October 13, 1919
Died on July 19, 1999 (aged 79)
Born in Germany, Saxony

Horst Willner was a German U-Boat commander during the Second World War. Willner was a recipient of the Iron Cross 1st Class of Nazi Germany. He did not set out on patrols with his crews, but he did participate in the rescue of refugees from East Prussia ahead of the advancing Red Army. Post-war, Willner studied law and became President of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce.

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Manfred Willner

First Name Manfred
Last Name Willner
Born on August 14, 1942 (age 82)
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