List of Famous people with last name Wertheim

Dick Wertheim

First Name Dick
Last Name Wertheim
Born on November 30, 1922
Died on January 1, 1983 (aged 60)

Richard Wertheim was an American tennis linesman who suffered a fatal injury on September 10, 1983, during a match at the 1983 US Open. He was injured when Stefan Edberg sent an errant serve directly into his groin. Wertheim was sitting in a chair and officiating at the center line. The blow knocked him backwards and he fell out of the chair onto the hardcourt surface, striking his head. He had a history of chronic cardiovascular disease having had a heart attack and stroke at age 40 years. Wertheim was unconscious when he was taken to Flushing Hospital Medical Center. He died on September 15. His family sued the United States Tennis Association for $2.25 million. In an opinion suggesting that the impact of the tennis ball had not been the proximate cause of his death, the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of New York reversed a $165,000 jury award to his estate. Following this event, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) refrained from having linesmen sitting during plays.

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Maurice Wertheim

First Name Maurice
Last Name Wertheim
Born on February 16, 1886
Died on May 27, 1950 (aged 64)

Maurice Wertheim was an American investment banker, chess player, chess patron, art collector, environmentalist, and philanthropist. Wertheim founded Wertheim & Co. in 1927.

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Philipp Eberstein und Wertheim

First Name Philipp
Last Name Wertheim
Born on January 1, 1523
Died on September 11, 1589 (aged 66)
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Herbert Wertheim

First Name Herbert
Last Name Wertheim
Born on November 30, 1999 (age 24)
Net Worth $3.7B

Herbert A. Wertheim is an American optometrist, inventor, billionaire businessman, and philanthropist. He is the founder and president of Brain Power Incorporated (BPI).

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Albrecht von Wertheim

First Name Albrecht
Last Name Wertheim
Born on November 30, 1399
Died on May 19, 1421 (aged 21)
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