List of Famous people with last name Votto

Joey Votto

First Name Joey
Born on September 10, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Canada, Ontario

Joseph Daniel Votto is a Canadian professional baseball first baseman for the Cincinnati Reds of Major League Baseball (MLB). He made his MLB debut with the Reds in 2007.

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Antonino Votto

First Name Antonino
Born on October 30, 1896
Died on September 9, 1985 (aged 88)

Antonino Votto was an Italian operatic conductor and vocal coach. Votto developed an extensive discography with the Teatro alla Scala in Milan during the 1950s, when EMI produced the bulk of its studio recordings featuring Maria Callas. Though Votto was a dependable conductor, critics frequently faulted his recordings for their lack of emotional immediacy. This may have been an occupational hazard of working in the studio, as his live sets with Callas, including a Norma and La sonnambula are considered to be great performances. Among his pupil was soprano Claudia Pinza Bozzolla.

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