List of Famous people with last name Venu

Nedumudi Venu

First Name Nedumudi
Born on May 22, 1948
Died on October 11, 2021 (aged 73)
Born in India

Kesavan Venugopal, known popularly by his stage name Nedumudi Venu, is an Indian film actor from Kerala, who predominantly works in the Malayalam Cinema. Considered as one of the greatest actors in the history of Indian cinema, he has acted in more than 500 films, primarily in Malayalam and also in Tamil. He has also written screenplays and has directed one film. He has won two National Film Awards and six Kerala State Film Awards for his various performances.

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Lakshmi Venu

First Name Lakshmi
Last Name Venu
Born on November 30, 1982 (age 42)

Lakshmi Venu is the joint managing director in Sundaram Clayton. She belongs to a prominent Indian business family.

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