List of Famous people with last name Ventimiglia

Milo Ventimiglia

First Name Milo
Last Name Ventimiglia
Born on July 8, 1977 (age 47)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Milo Anthony Ventimiglia is an American actor, director and producer. After several roles in television series and parts in independent films, he gained recognition for his roles as Jess Mariano on the television series Gilmore Girls from 2001 to 2006, and as Peter Petrelli on the NBC series Heroes from 2006 to 2010. He has starred as Jack Pearson on the NBC drama This Is Us since 2016.

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John Ventimiglia

First Name John
Last Name Ventimiglia
Born on July 17, 1963 (age 61)

John Ventimiglia is an American actor. Ventimiglia portrayed Artie Bucco in the HBO television series The Sopranos and had a recurring role as Dino Arbogast, an Organized Crime Control Bureau Chief for the NYPD, on the American police procedural/drama series Blue Bloods on CBS.

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