List of Famous people with last name Ullate

Víctor Ullate

First Name Víctor
Last Name Ullate
Born on May 9, 1947 (age 77)
Born in Spain, Aragon

Víctor Ullate is a dancer, choreographer and ballet director. Ullate trained with María de Avila and at the École supérieure de danse de Cannes Rosella Hightower. He started his professional dancing life with Antonio Ruiz Soler's company in 1962 before joining Maurice Béjart's Ballet as a principal three years later. He remained there for fourteen years during which he created roles in Béjart's Ni fleurs, Ni couronnes (1967), Offrande chorégraphique (1970), Nijinsky, Clown de Dieu (1971), Golestan (1973), and I trionfi di Petrarca (1974).

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