List of Famous people with last name Turin

Ulric Manfred II of Turin

First Name Ulric
Last Name Turin
Born on November 30, 0900
Died on October 29, 1034 (aged 133)
Born in Italy, Piedmont

Ulric Manfred II or Manfred Ulric was the count of Turin and marquis of Susa in the early 11th century. He was the last male margrave from the Arduinid dynasty. Ulric Manfred's daughter, Adelaide, inherited the majority of his property. Through marriage to Adelaide (c.1045), Otto of Savoy, a younger son of Count Humbert I of Savoy became margrave of Turin. Their descendants would later comprise the House of Savoy who ruled Sardinia and Italy.

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Prince Vittorio Emanuele, Count of Turin

First Name Prince
Last Name Turin
Born on November 24, 1870
Died on October 10, 1946 (aged 75)
Born in Italy, Piedmont

Prince Vittorio Emanuele of Savoy-Aosta, Infante of Spain, Count of Turin was a grandchild of King Victor Emmanuel II and a member of the House of Savoy. He was a cousin of Victor Emmanuel III.

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Manfred I of Turin

First Name Manfred
Last Name Turin
Born on November 30, 0900
Died on November 30, 0999 (aged 99)

Manfred I or Maginfred was the second Arduinici marquis of Susa from 977 until his death. Manfred was the eldest son of Arduin Glaber, from whom he inherited the county of Auriate and the vast March of Susa. The march extended from the Susa Valley by the Alps south across the Po to the Ligurian Sea. Although he ruled for almost twenty-five years, there is little evidence of his activities in surviving sources. Under him, Pavia became a mercantile city. He also controlled the road between Genoa and Marseilles.

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