List of Famous people with last name Tullibardine

John Murray, 1st Earl of Tullibardine

First Name John
Last Name Tullibardine
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Sir William Murray, 10th of Tullibardine

First Name Sir
Born on January 1, 1510
Died on January 30, 1562 (aged 52)

William Murray of Tullibardine (1510–1562) was a Scottish landowner.

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Patrick Murray, 1st Earl of Tullibardine

First Name Patrick
Last Name Tullibardine
Died on September 5, 1644

Patrick Murray, 1st Earl of Tullibardine was a Scottish aristocrat.

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Sir William Murray of Tullibardine

First Name Sir
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Sir David Murray of Tullibardine

First Name Sir
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Sir William Murray of Tullibardine

First Name Sir
Died on March 16, 1583
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William Murray, 2nd Earl of Tullibardine

First Name William
Last Name Tullibardine
Born on November 30, 1573
Died on November 30, 1625 (aged 52)

William Murray, 2nd Earl of Tullibardine was a Scottish landowner and courtier.

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James Murray, 2nd Earl of Tullibardine

First Name James
Last Name Tullibardine
Born on September 22, 1617
Died on December 31, 1669 (aged 52)
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Don't know him/her

Sir William Murray of Tullibardine

First Name Sir
Died on February 10, 1525
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Don't know him/her

Sir David Murray of Tullibardine

First Name Sir
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her
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