List of Famous people with last name Tott

Erik Axelsson Tott

First Name Erik
Last Name Tott
Born on November 30, 1418
Died on January 31, 1481 (aged 62)

Erik Axelsson (Tott), Dano-Swedish statesman and regent of Sweden under the Kalmar Union; in 1457 jointly with Jöns Bengtsson Oxenstierna and alone 1466–1467.

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Åke Henriksson Tott

First Name Åke
Last Name Tott
Born on June 1, 1598
Died on July 15, 1640 (aged 42)
Born in Finland

Åke Henriksson Tott (1598–1640) was a Finnish soldier and politician. His estates included Ekolsund in Sweden, Sjundeby in Finland, Polchow in Swedish Pomerania and Lihula in Swedish Livonia.

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Ingeborg Tott

First Name Ingeborg
Born on November 30, 1439
Died on November 30, 1506 (aged 67)

Lady Ingeborg Åkesdotter Tott or 'Ingeborg Aagesdotter of the Thott', in her lifetime called Ingeborg Åkesdotter or simply Fru Ingeborg, was a Swedish noble, the consort of the Swedish regent Sten Sture the elder. She was the fiefholder of Häme in Finland. She functioned as the de facto queen consort of Sweden for over three decades and participated in state affairs during the reign of her spouse.

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Clara Tott

First Name Clara
Last Name Tott
Born on January 1, 1440
Died on January 1, 1520 (aged 80)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Clara Tott, in other sources Clara Dett, Clara of Dettingen, Tettingen, or Clare Dettin, was a court singer associated with the Elector Palatine Frederick I, whom she is said to have secretly married.

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Clas Tott

First Name Clas
Born on August 14, 1630
Died on July 12, 1674 (aged 43)
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Jaqueline de Tott

First Name Jaqueline
Last Name Tott
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Clas Åkesson Tott

First Name Clas
Born on January 1, 1530
Died on January 1, 1596 (aged 66)

Clas Åkesson Tott was a military Field Marshal (1572) and member of the Privy Council of Sweden (1575).

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