List of Famous people with last name Thrax

Maximinus Thrax

First Name Maximinus
Born on January 1, 0173
Died on May 10, 0238 (aged 65)

Gaius Julius Verus Maximinus "Thrax" or Maximinus I was Roman emperor from 235 to 238.

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Dionysius Thrax

First Name Dionysius
Born on November 30, -0171
Died on January 1, -0089 (aged 82)

Dionysius Thrax was a Hellenistic grammarian and a pupil of Aristarchus of Samothrace. He was long considered to be the author of the earliest grammatical text on the Greek language, one that was used as a standard manual for perhaps some 1,500 years, and which was until recently regarded as the groundwork of the entire Western grammatical tradition.

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