List of Famous people with last name Thacker

Tab Thacker

First Name Tab
Born on March 10, 1962
Died on December 28, 2007 (aged 45)

Talmadge Layne "Tab" Thacker was a former NCAA wrestler and actor.

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Charles P. Thacker

First Name Charles
Last Name Thacker
Born on February 26, 1943
Died on June 12, 2017 (aged 74)

Charles Patrick "Chuck" Thacker was an American pioneer computer designer. He designed the Xerox Alto, which is the first computer that used a mouse-driven graphical user interface (GUI).

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Herbert Cyril Thacker

First Name Herbert
Last Name Thacker
Born on September 16, 1870
Died on June 2, 1953 (aged 82)
Born in India

Major General Herbert Cyril Thacker was a Canadian soldier and Chief of the General Staff, the head of the Canadian Army from 1927 until 1929.

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Tom Thacker

First Name Tom
Last Name Thacker
Born on April 11, 1977 (age 47)

Thomas Arnold Thacker, nicknamed Brown Tom, is a Canadian musician. He is the lead guitarist, lead singer and co-founder of the Canadian punk rock group Gob and a guitarist for Sum 41. Thacker formed Gob with Theo Goutzinakis in 1993. Following Dave Baksh’s departure from Sum 41 on May 11, 2006, Thacker was recruited as their touring guitarist, and then became an official member in 2009. He has remained with Sum 41 ever since, even after Baksh rejoined the band in 2015, contributing to three studio releases.

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Julie Thacker

First Name Julie
Born on January 1, 1953 (age 71)

Julie Thacker Scully is an American television writer. She has written for The Simpsons, and along with her husband The Simpsons writer and producer Mike Scully she has co-created The Pitts and Complete Savages and is the co-creator of Duncanville.

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Martha Thacker

First Name Martha
Born on January 1, 1667 (age 357)
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