List of Famous people with last name Tasburgh

Frances Tasburgh

First Name Frances
Last Name Tasburgh
Born on January 1, 1812
Died on January 1, 1842 (aged 30)
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Michael Tasburgh

First Name Michael
Last Name Tasburgh
Born on January 1, 1777
Died on January 1, 1853 (aged 76)
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George Tasburgh

First Name George
Last Name Tasburgh
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Thomas Tasburgh

First Name Thomas
Last Name Tasburgh
Born on November 30, 1553
Died on November 30, 1601 (aged 48)

(Sir) Thomas Tasburgh, originally of South Elmham, Suffolk, afterwards of Hawridge and latterly of Beaconsfield and Twyford, Buckinghamshire, was a member of the English landed gentry, a magistrate, member of parliament, High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, and officer of the Exchequer to Queen Elizabeth I. Although Thomas Tasburgh was not himself a Catholic recusant, his second marriage brought him into a wide sphere of Catholic kinship and association, and some considerable debts. Jane's daughter Lettice, who married Thomas's nephew John Tasburgh (V) of Flixton Hall, shaped the future Catholicism of the Tasburgh family.

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George Tasburgh

First Name George
Last Name Tasburgh
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Mary Barbara Tasburgh

First Name Mary
Last Name Tasburgh
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Don't know him/her
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