List of Famous people with last name Takakage

Kobayakawa Takakage

First Name Kobayakawa
Last Name Takakage
Born on November 30, 1532
Died on July 26, 1597 (aged 64)

Kobayakawa Takakage was a samurai and daimyō during the Sengoku period and Azuchi–Momoyama period. He was the third son of Mōri Motonari who was adopted by the Kobayakawa clan and became its 14th clan head. He merged the two branches of the Kobayakawa, the Takehara-Kobayakawa clan (竹原小早川氏) and Numata-Kobayakawa clan (沼田小早川氏). He became an active commander of the Mōri army and he with his brother Kikkawa Motoharu became known as the “Mōri Ryōkawa", or “Mōri's Two Rivers" (毛利両川). As head of the Kobayakawa clan, he expanded the clan's territory in the Chūgoku region, and fought for the Mōri clan in all their campaigns

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Asakura Takakage

First Name Asakura
Last Name Takakage
Born on December 30, 1493
Died on April 30, 1548 (aged 54)
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