List of Famous people with last name Sung-min

Kim Sung-min

First Name Kim
Last Name Sung-min
Born on February 14, 1973
Died on June 26, 2016 (aged 43)
Born in South Korea

Kim Sung-min was a South Korean actor.

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Cho Sung-min

First Name Cho
Last Name Sung-min
Born on April 5, 1973
Died on January 6, 2013 (aged 39)
Born in South Korea

Cho Sung-min was a South Korean professional baseball player with the Yomiuri Giants of Japan and the Hanwha Eagles of the KBO League. He also received media attention for his much-publicized marriage and divorce from actress Choi Jin-sil.

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Lee Sung-min

First Name Lee
Last Name Sung-min

Lee Sung-min is a South Korean actor. He is best known for his supporting roles on television and film, notably his much-praised performances in Golden Time (2012), Broken (2014), and Misaeng: Incomplete Life (2014). Lee has also received critical acclaim for his role in the 2018 espionage film The Spy Gone North.

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