List of Famous people with last name Sugarman

Burt Sugarman

First Name Burt
Last Name Sugarman
Born on January 4, 1939 (age 85)

Burton Roy Sugarman is an American film and television producer best known for creating and producing the iconic 1970s/early '80s showcase for rock-n-roll groups The Midnight Special.

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George Sugarman

First Name George
Last Name Sugarman
Born on May 11, 1912
Died on August 25, 1999 (aged 87)

George Sugarman was an American artist working in the mediums of drawing, painting, and sculpture. Often described as controversial and forward-thinking, Sugarman's prolific body of work defies a definitive style. He pioneered the concepts of pedestal-free sculpture and is best known for his large-scale, vividly painted metal sculptures. His innovative approach to art-making lent his work a fresh, experimental approach and caused him to continually expand his creative focus. During his lifetime, he was dedicated to the well-being of young emerging artists, particularly those who embraced innovation and risk-taking in their work. In his will, Sugarman provided for the establishment of The George Sugarman Foundation, Inc.

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Sara Sugarman

First Name Sara
Last Name Sugarman

Sara Sugarman is a Welsh actress and film director whose work includes Disney's Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen (2004) and Very Annie Mary (2001). She has also appeared in films including Dealers (1989) and Those Glory Glory Days (1983).

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