List of Famous people with last name Sodermanland

Charles Philip, Duke of Södermanland

First Name Charles
Last Name Södermanland
Born on April 22, 1601
Died on January 25, 1622 (aged 20)

Prince Charles Philip of Sweden, Duke of Södermanland, was a Swedish prince, Duke of Södermanland, Närke and Värmland. Charles Philip was the second surviving son of King Charles IX of Sweden and his second spouse, Duchess Christina of Holstein-Gottorp.

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Prince Wilhelm, Duke of Södermanland

First Name Prince
Last Name Södermanland
Born on June 17, 1884
Died on June 5, 1965 (aged 80)

Prince Wilhelm, Duke of Södermanland was a Swedish and Norwegian prince. He authored many books as Prins Wilhelm.

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Eric, Duke of Södermanland

First Name Eric,
Last Name Södermanland
Born on January 1, 1282
Died on February 16, 1318 (aged 36)

Eric Magnusson was a Swedish prince, Duke of Svealand, Södermanland, Dalsland, Västergötland, Värmland and North Halland and heir to the throne of Sweden. He was the father of King Magnus who became king of both Norway and Sweden.

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Prince Alexander, Duke of Södermanland

First Name Prince
Last Name Södermanland
Born on April 19, 2016 (age 8)

Prince Carl Philip of Sweden, Duke of Värmland is the only son and the second of three children of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia. As of 2022, Prince Carl Philip is fourth in the line of succession, after his older sister, Crown Princess Victoria, his niece and goddaughter Princess Estelle, and his nephew Prince Oscar. He lives with his wife, Princess Sofia, and three sons, Prince Alexander, Prince Gabriel and Prince Julian in Villa Solbacken in Djurgården, Stockholm.

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Prince Carl Oscar, Duke of Södermanland

First Name Prince
Last Name Södermanland
Born on December 14, 1852
Died on March 13, 1854 (aged 1)

Prince Carl Oscar of Sweden, Duke of Södermanland was a prince of Sweden and Norway.

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