List of Famous people with last name Smigel

Robert Smigel

First Name Robert
Last Name Smigel
Born on February 7, 1960 (age 64)

Robert Smigel is an American actor, voice actor, comedian, humorist, writer, director, producer, and puppeteer, known for his Saturday Night Live "TV Funhouse" cartoon shorts and as the puppeteer and voice behind Triumph the Insult Comic Dog. He also co-wrote the Hotel Transylvania films and You Don't Mess with the Zohan, both starring Adam Sandler.

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David Randolph Smigel

First Name David
Last Name Smigel
Died on March 29, 1998 (aged 28)
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Timothy Smigel

First Name Timothy
Last Name Smigel
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Walter Smigel

First Name Walter
Last Name Smigel
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Don't know him/her
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