List of Famous people with last name Shomali

Tima Shomali

First Name Tima
Born on March 7, 1985 (age 39)

Tima Shomali is a Jordanian producer, director, writer, and comedy actress. Zainab Salbi called her "Tina Fey of the Arab world" during an interview with the young actress, in New York at the Woman in the World Summit. After earning an MFA degree in producing and screenwriting at RSICA, Shomali joined the YouTube show Bath Bayakha, where she was first recognized for her work as a writer and actress. Later in 2012, she founded her own production company which she called Filmizion Productions, and through the company, she created and starred in her first Web series titled Femaleshow. The show attracted millions of viewers from across the region online, which led to it being aired on different TV stations around the region. Becky Anderson described her as a national phenomena in a CNN interview with the young filmmaker. Currently, she is working on creating the second original Arabic Netflix series, in collaboration with her Jordanian production company Filmizion Productions, titled AlRawabi School for Girls.

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