List of Famous people with last name Sheeran

Ed Sheeran

Edward Christopher Sheeran
First Name Ed
Last Name Sheeran
Born on February 17, 1991 (age 33)
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Edward Christopher Sheeran is an English singer, songwriter, musician, record producer, actor, and businessman. After first recording music in 2004, he began gaining attention through YouTube. In early 2011, Sheeran independently released the extended play, No. 5 Collaborations Project. He signed with Asylum Records the same year.

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Josette Sheeran

Josette Sheeran is an American non-profit executive and diplomat who served in the United States Department of State. Sheeran serves as the seventh President and CEO of Asia Society. Sheeran was also the United Nations Special Envoy for Haiti.

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