List of Famous people with last name Shahabuddin

Mohammad Shahabuddin

First Name Mohammad
Last Name Shahabuddin
Born on May 10, 1967
Died on May 1, 2021 (aged 53)
Born in India

Mohammad Shahabuddin is an Indian politician. He is a former Member of Parliament from the Siwan constituency in the state of Bihar, Former National Vice President Rashtriya Janata Dal and a former member of the National Executive Committee of the Rashtriya Janata Dal. He was disqualified from contesting elections following his conviction for the kidnapping and disappearance of Chote Lal Gupta, an activist of the Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation for which he currently serving a life sentence. Shahabuddin has also been accused of killing 15 other Communist Party of India (Marxist–Leninist) Liberation activist including the former student leader Chandrashekhar Prasad.

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Khwaja Shahabuddin

First Name Khwaja
Born on May 31, 1898
Died on February 9, 1977 (aged 78)

Khwaja Shahabuddin was a Bengali politician who was a minister in the Government of Pakistan and member of the Dhaka Nawab family. He is also the younger brother of Pakistani Premier Sir Khwaja Nazimuddin and the father of Bangladeshi Lieutenant-General Khwaja Wasiuddin

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