List of Famous people with last name Sackler

Richard Stephen Sackler

First Name Richard
Last Name Sackler
Born on March 10, 1945 (age 79)

Richard Stephen Sackler is an American billionaire businessman who was the chairman and president of Purdue Pharma, a company purchased by his late father Raymond Sackler, and whose connection to the opioid epidemic in the United States was the subject of multiple lawsuits and fines.

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Mortimer Sackler

First Name Mortimer
Last Name Sackler
Born on December 7, 1916
Died on March 24, 2010 (aged 93)

Mortimer David Sackler KBE was an American-born British psychiatrist and entrepreneur who was a co-owner, with his brother Raymond, of Purdue Pharma. During his lifetime, Sackler was best known for his lavish philanthropy which included donations to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Tate Gallery, the Royal College of Art, the Louvre and Berlin's Jewish Museum, but after his death his company became embroiled in a major scandal about the aggressive marketing of highly addictive opioids.

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Raymond Sackler

First Name Raymond
Last Name Sackler
Born on February 16, 1920
Died on July 17, 2017 (aged 97)

Raymond Sackler KBE was an American physician and businessman. Raymond Sackler founded Purdue Pharma together with his brothers Arthur M. Sackler and Mortimer Sackler. Purdue Pharma is the developer of OxyContin, the drug at the center of the opioid epidemic in the United States.

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Howard Sackler

First Name Howard
Last Name Sackler
Born on December 19, 1929
Died on October 12, 1982 (aged 52)

Howard Oliver Sackler, was an American screenwriter and playwright who is best known for writing The Great White Hope. The Great White Hope enjoyed both a successful run on Broadway and, as a film adaptation, in movie theaters. James Earl Jones and Jane Alexander both starred in the original Arena Stage production of the play in Washington, DC, then brought their roles to Broadway and later to the film version. Both Jones and Alexander received Academy Award nominations for their work in the movie.

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