List of Famous people with last name Rouergue

Richilda of Rouergue

First Name Richilda
Born on November 30, 0904
Died on November 30, 0954 (aged 50)

Richilda was Countess of Barcelona, Girona and Ausona from at least 917 to her husband's retirement in 947. She appears in record as married to Sunyer, Count of Barcelona for the first time in 917 but may have been sooner. She is speculated to have been a daughter of the Count of Rouergue, possibly Raymond II, Count of Toulouse, based on the introduction of novel names into the family. They had four sons and a daughter: Ermengol, Miró, Borrell, Adelaide, and Wifred.

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Ermengol of Rouergue

First Name Ermengol
Last Name Rouergue
Born on November 30, 0869
Died on November 30, 0936 (aged 67)

Ermengol (870-937) was a son of Odo of Toulouse and Garsindis. His father gave him the County of Rouergue and Quercy in 906 and he governed it to his death. His brother was Raymond II of Toulouse and together they governed the vast patrimony of their house in the first half of the tenth century.

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Raymond II of Rouergue

First Name Raymond
Last Name Rouergue
Born on January 1, 0905
Died on January 1, 0961 (aged 56)

Raymond II, sometimes numbered Raymond I was the count of Rouergue and Quercy from 937 to his death. He was the son of Ermengol of Rouergue and Adelaide. Under Raymond, Rouergue achieved a suzerainty over neighbouring counties and he successfully titled himself Margrave (marchio) of Septimania.

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Fulcoald of Rouergue

First Name Fulcoald
Died on November 30, 0836

Fulcoald, Foucaud, Fulguald or Fulqualdus is sometimes called the Count of Rouergue and founder of that dynasty of counts which ruled Toulouse and often all of Gothia for the next four centuries. In 837, he was appointed missus dominicus along with Ragambald in the pago Rutenico seu Nemausense: country of Rouergue and Nîmes.

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