List of Famous people with last name Romijn

Rebecca Romijn

First Name Rebecca
Born on November 6, 1972 (age 51)
Height 179 cm | 5'10

Rebecca Alie O'Connell is an American actress and former model. She is known for her role as Mystique in the trilogy of the X-Men film series, as Joan from The Punisher (2004), and the dual roles of Laure Ash and Lily Watts in Femme Fatale (2002). She has also had recurring roles as Alexis Meade on the television series Ugly Betty and as Number One on Star Trek: Discovery. Her other major roles include Eve Baird on the TNT series The Librarians, voicing Lois Lane in the DC Animated Movie Universe, and as the host of the reality competition show Skin Wars.

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