List of Famous people with last name Romanek

Stan Romanek

First Name Stan
Last Name Romanek
Born on December 1, 1962 (age 62)

Stanley Tiger "Stan" Romanek is an American author, alien abductee claimant and convicted sex offender for child pornography crimes.

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Mark Romanek

First Name Mark
Last Name Romanek
Born on September 18, 1959 (age 65)

Mark Romanek is an American filmmaker whose directing work includes feature films, television, music videos and commercials. Romanek wrote and directed the 2002 film One Hour Photo and directed the 2010 film Never Let Me Go. His most notable music videos include "Hurt", "Closer", "Can't Stop", "Rain" (Madonna), "Bedtime Story" (Madonna), "Scream", "Criminal", and "Shake It Off". He also co-directed "Sandcastles" from Beyoncé’s Lemonade album. Romanek's music videos have won 20 MTV Video Music Awards, including Best Direction for Jay-Z's "99 Problems", and he has won three Grammy Awards for Best Short Form Music Video - more than any other director.

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