List of Famous people with last name Rimini

Francesca da Rimini

First Name Francesca
Last Name Rimini
Born on January 1, 1259
Died on January 1, 1285 (aged 26)

Francesca da Rimini or Francesca da Polenta ; 1255 – c. 1285) was the daughter of Guido da Polenta, lord of Ravenna. She was a historical contemporary of Dante Alighieri, who portrayed her as a character in the Divine Comedy.

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Violante Bentivoglio, Signora di Rimini

First Name Violante
Last Name Rimini
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Gaudentius of Rimini

First Name Gaudentius
Last Name Rimini
Born on January 1, 0301
Died on October 14, 0360 (aged 59)
Born in İzmir Province

Saint Gaudentius of Rimini was born in Ephesus in Asia Minor. In 308 he migrated to Rome and was baptized. In 332 he was ordained as a priest and fourteen years later consecrated as a bishop. He was then sent to Ariminum where he became the first bishop of that city. In 359, he attended the Council of Rimini called by the Roman Emperor Constantius II, specially convened to condemn Arius. After attacking the beliefs of Arianism, he was arrested by the emperor's representative and then kidnapped from the authorities and lynched by the followers of Arius. He is honored as a martyr by the Catholic Church.

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