List of Famous people with last name Reggiani

Patrizia Reggiani

Patrizia Reggiani Martinelli
First Name Patrizia
Born on December 2, 1948 (age 76)

Patrizia Reggiani Martinelli is the ex-wife of Maurizio Gucci. During the 1980s while she was married to Maurizio Gucci, she was a wealthy Italian socialite and high fashion personality. In late 1998 she went through a scandalous trial followed closely by the Italian public for ordering her husband's murder.

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Primo Reggiani

First Name Primo
Last Name Reggiani
Born on November 5, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Primo Reggiani is an Italian actor. Born in Rome to Tuscan actor Aldo Reggiani and Apulian actress, Caterina Costantini, he appeared in more than thirty films since 1996.

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Francesca Reggiani

First Name Francesca
Last Name Reggiani
Born on July 1, 1959 (age 65)
Born in Italy, Lazio
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Pierre Reggiani

First Name Pierre
Last Name Reggiani
Born on January 1, 1953 (age 72)
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