List of Famous people with last name Prokhanov

Sergey Prokhanov

First Name Sergey
Born on December 29, 1952 (age 71)
Born in Russia

Sergei Borisovich Prokhanov is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, theater director, artistic director of Moscow's Luna Theater. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2005). The most famous for him was the role Kesha Chetvergov in the Vladimir Grammatikov's comedy Mustached Nanny (1977).

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Alexander Prokhanov

First Name Alexander
Last Name Prokhanov
Born on February 26, 1938 (age 86)
Born in Georgia

Alexander Andreyevich Prokhanov is a Russian writer, a member of the secretariat of the Writers Union of the Russian Federation and the author of more than 30 novels and short story collections. He is the editor-in-chief of Russia's extreme-right newspaper Zavtra, that combines ultranationalist and anti-capitalist views.

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Yaroslav Ivanovic Prokhanov

First Name Yaroslav
Born on July 31, 1902
Died on February 14, 1965 (aged 62)
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Ivan Prokhanov

First Name Ivan
Last Name Prokhanov
Born on April 17, 1869
Died on October 6, 1935 (aged 66)
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