List of Famous people with last name Pisa

Loretta Di Pisa

First Name Loretta
Born on April 27, 1976 (age 48)
Born in Italy, Lombardy
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Rustichello da Pisa

First Name Rustichello
Born on November 30, 1299
Died on November 30, 1399 (aged 100)
Born in Italy, Tuscany

Rustichello da Pisa, also known as Rusticiano, was an Italian romance writer in Franco-Italian language. He is best known for co-writing Marco Polo's autobiography, The Travels of Marco Polo, while they were in prison together in Genoa. Earlier, he wrote the Roman de Roi Artus, also known as the Compilation, the earliest known Arthurian romance by an Italian author.

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Bona of Pisa

First Name Bona
Last Name Pisa
Born on January 1, 1156
Died on May 29, 1207 (aged 51)
Born in Italy, Tuscany

Bona of Pisa was a member of the Third order of the Augustinian nuns who helped lead travellers on pilgrimages. In 1962, she was canonized a saint in the Catholic Church by Pope John XXIII. She is considered the patron saint of travellers, and specifically couriers, guides, pilgrims, flight attendants, and the city of Pisa.

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