List of Famous people with last name Penshurst

Charles Hardinge, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst

First Name Charles
Last Name Penshurst
Born on June 20, 1858
Died on August 2, 1944 (aged 86)

Charles Hardinge, 1st Baron Hardinge of Penshurst, was a British diplomat and statesman who served as Viceroy and Governor-General of India from 1910 to 1916.

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Don't know him/her

Winifred Sturt, Baroness Hardinge of Penshurst

First Name Winifred
Died on July 11, 1914

Winifred Selina Sturt, Baroness Hardinge of Penshurst, CI was a British courtier and Vicereine of India.

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Don't know him/her
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